Glass fitter Uppsala
A professional on the spot whenever you want, or right away - you decide.
Getting help should be easy.
24/7 service
We will find the closest available glass fitter in your area: Uppsala
Glass services 24/7
Has your window broken? Our on-call glaziers are ready to help you with all your glass problems, from installations to repairs.
Glass repair on call
Replacement of window glass
Repair of broken glass
Windows and shop windows
Door glass
Safety glass
Has the window broken or is it waiting for installation?
When the accident happens, there is no time to waste and finding a skilled glass fitter quickly is of utmost importance. By reacting to the problem immediately and calling our emergency service, you save time and effort.
Local glass fitter from Uppsala serves you!
Do you need a glass fitter in Uppsala? We work on the emergency call center principle and respond immediately to all your needs. A local glass fitter from Uppsala knows the residential area and, in the best case, also its building stock, finds the location quickly and does the necessary work in an instant. We send a skilled glazier to the site already within 15 minutes in the best case.
We are with you from start to finish
Are you annoyed by having to contact several installers only to be told they can't take on more work?
Contact and order
After ordering, you will receive a link to the tracking page
Our partner accepts the assignment and contacts you
You get real-time information on the progress of the work
Invoicing and feedback
Contact and order
You will receive a link to the tracking page
Our partner accepts the assignment and contacts you
You get real-time information on the progress of the work
Invoicing and feedback
What do people say about our glass fitter services?
This is what customers think of our services:
Contact us!
We will contact you as soon as possible.
Glass fitter Uppsala 24/7
Is your window broken? Our on-call glass repairers are ready to help you with any glass problem, from installations to repairs, every day of the year.
Librobäck, Luthagen, Rickomberga, Stenhagen, Eriksberg, Flogsta, Ekeby, Hågå, Kvarnbo, Kåbo, Norby, Polacksbacken, Rosendal, Gottsunda, Sunnersta, Ulleråker, Ultuna, Valsätra, Vårdsätra, Bergsbrunna, Danmark-Säby, Nåntuna, Sävja, Vilan, Boländerna, Fyrislund, Fålhagen, Kungsängen, Sala backe, Slavsta, Vaksala, Årsta, Brillinge, Gamla Uppsala, Gränby, Kvarngärdet, Löten, Nyby, Svartbäcken, Tunabackar, Ärna, Almunge, Altuna, Balingsta, Bennebol, Björken, Björklinge, Björklunda, Blackbo, Bodarna, Brunnby, Bälinge, Bärby, Charlottenberg, Dalboda, Danmark, Fjuckby, Forsby, Friberga, Fullerö, Funbo, Graneberg, Grimsta, Gränby, Gunsta, Gåvsta, Hagby, Hammarby, Henriksberg, Holmbro. Husby, Håga, Häggeby, Hässelby, Högby, Högsta, Jälla, Järlåsa, Knutby, Kuggebro, Kyrkbyn, Källtorpet, Lejsta, Lindbacken, Lugnet. Långmyran, Länna. Lövhyddan, Lövstalöt, Marielund, Nyby, Ramstalund, Rörmyra, Selknä. Skyttorp, Skärfälten, Skölsta, Stabby, Storvreta, Ströbylund, Sävja, Tibble, Tuna, Uls-Väsby, Ärentuna, Knivsta

Frequently asked questions about 24 Center
24 Center is a call center for building technology. We offer help with real estate technology problems. You can get all the help you need regarding building maintenance services, both urgent and non-urgent, with just one phone call.
24 Center Sweden's head office is located at Forsbyvägen 6, Knivsta. From the head office, our customer service serves all of Sweden regarding real estate technical problems.
24 Center makes sure that the customer gets in touch with the right supplier who can be on site at the right time. We believe that getting help when you need it should be hassle-free and fast!
Most repair, maintenance and installation work in a home or condominium, you must own and live in the home during the period that the work is performed to get the ROT-deduction. 24 Center helps to apply for rotavdrag deduction and customer service helps you with questions regarding rotavdrag deduction.
Up to 30% of the cost of the work. We can help you apply for the ROT- deduction if you are eligible for the rotavdrag deduction.
Typical losses covered by home insurance are water damage caused by broken pipes or equipment connected to them, and fire, smoke and soot damage. The amount of compensation for water damage is affected by the age of the broken device or pipe.
Call anyway. 24 Centers customer service wants to help customers in all emergencies. The call is free of charge and many things can be solved at home with the help of tips based on the experience of the customer service.
24 Center also services less urgent orders. Jobs ordered at least three working days in advance also have a cheaper hourly rate. You can place the order yourself as an online order on our website at
Important tips for glass work
Emergency patching and measuring of thermal glass is done at night and installation takes place later in the week after the glass is ready. Ordinary windows may be repaired in one visit at night, depending on the size and thickness of the glass.
Insurance often covers the repair of broken glass in situations of vandalism and theft.
Home insurance covers an accidental broken window if the window is broken due to a sudden and unforeseeable cause. If you live in a housing cooperative, the breakage of the outermost glass of the window is covered by the insurance of the housing cooperative.
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